Roots sessions

corporate identityC-RootsidentityWorkshop

What seemed to be out of the question a month ago, could be the right option now. These aren’t normal times. Besides, what are normal times? There are ideas and new initiatives popping up everywhere. And rather than speaking of "recovery," which would mean picking up where we left off and resuming “business as usual”, it’s wise to think about new directions we can and want to take. Nobody expects it to be a smooth ride, with lumps and bumps and uncertainty along the way. However, this does present a major and unique opportunity for companies that is probably less risky than clinging on to what used to be. An interesting detail is that the Chinese word for "crisis" consists of two characters: "opportunity" and "threat".

But where do you start? When is the time right for change and who do you involve on this journey of discovery?

The company's identity plays an important and valuable role in this and in these difficult times, it can make a significant difference. However, you do need to know that identity and you need to be aware of how the corona crisis in recent weeks has affected the way your company functions in the bigger picture. Only then can the identity help you in the further development of the company and steer your day-to-day work on every level.

that is why we have developed two online workshops. read more here

1. 'Identity, what has changed' online session

2. 'Let your identity work for you' online session